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IMPORTING country: Germany


CALLING Kiki a special girl would be considered an understatement. SHE has joined our family in September of 2023 and ever since, we've been blessed with constant laughs as this girl has a sense of humor I haven't seen in dogs before. FROM the way she chases butterflies off the property to the way she climbs on top of your head during grooming, it all comes down to her kidding around. SHE will begin her testing after the age of 2

DOB: June 2023

OUR location


Kristine Koroleva


SACRAMENTO, California and

CHARLOTTE, North Carolina

(WITH my husbands job, we are required to live on 2 coasts. THIS gives us the ability to work with both coasts. OUR dogs comfortably travel with us.)


Mon - Fri: 7am - 10pm
​​Saturday: 8am - 10pm
​Sunday: Church day for us, please call us another day

*ALL times are western

*IF there is no immediate answer, please leave a message or text. Please be patient! IT will come. RAISING dogs is more than a full-time job!

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